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Pradaxa AttorneyPradaxa

I Was Injured by Pradaxa Side Effects
You need an attorney to fight for your case. Contact Ray Hodge & Associates immediately to learn how might be able to help you recover substantial compensation for your losses. Read More…


Eliquis AttorneyElequis

I Was Harmed by Eliquis Bleeding
Eliquis has been linked to serious side effects which can cause permanent injury or death. The Kansas defective drug lawyers of Ray Hodge & Associates, LLC may be able to help you recover substantial compensation for your injuries. Read More…


IVC Filter complications attorneyIVC Filters

My IVC Filter Broke or Failed
Migration of the IVC filter, or pieces of the filter, can be fatal. Learn more about your legal rights as an IVC Filter victim by calling Ray Hodge & Associates, LLC at (316) 269-1414. Read More…


Onglyza AttorneyOnglyza

I Had Heart Failure or Developed Pancreatitis While Taking Onglyza
You may be able to recover compensation for your losses in a lawsuit. You have a limited amount of time to take legal action. Please contact Ray Hodge & Associates, LLC at (316) 269-1414 as soon as possible. Read More…


Essure AttorneyEssure

I Suffered From Essure Complications
Essure injuries can be permanent. If you’ve been hurt by Essure, Ray Hodge & Associates, LLC, can help. Please call us at (316) 269-1414 or contact us online right away to schedule your free consultation. Read More…

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Ray Hodge & Associates proudly represents victims and their families across the state of Kansas, including Wichita, Andover, Derby, Goddard, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, Newton, El Dorado and Hutchinson. Call today for a free consultation all over the state of Kansas. We have proudly served clients in Sedgwick, Butler, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman and Reno Counties.