When you’re injured on the job, you can file for workers compensation. If you don’t file for workers compensation, injured workers can exhaust their funds on co-pays and medicine. Eventually, it may even lead to time off work and lost wages. To prevent this from happening, it’s vital you file for workers compensation immediately. To learn more about filing for workers comp, check out this article.
Your boss may tell you that your injury isn’t covered by workers comp, but always check with a lawyer!
Ray Hodge & Associates proudly represents victims and their families across the state of Kansas, including Wichita, Andover, Derby, Goddard, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, Newton, El Dorado and Hutchinson. Call today for a free consultation all over the state of Kansas. We have proudly served clients in Sedgwick, Butler, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman and Reno Counties.