If you have been injured on the road while driving, walking or riding by a car, semi truck or bus.
If you have been injured in a Wichita bus wreck, don't let the bus company take advantage of you while you're injured.
Motorcycle accidents almost always result in serious injuries. At Ray Hodge and Associates we have helped numerous motorcyclists who have been severely injured by drivers who were not paying attention.
Whiplash injuries usually heal in 6 to 8 weeks without any problems? Sure that's what the insurance companies say, but is it true?
Car wrecks happen every day. If you've been in an auto accident, don't let the insurance companies prey on you.
Trucks cause major damage in collisions and more severe injuries. Often, trucking companies have bogus travel books and fail to maintain the trucks properly.
When a pedestrian is injured by a driver, a car driver might blame the injured person for being on the street. However, our skilled attorneys can prove that pedestrians are not at fault.
When someone is injured in a train wreck, the damages are almost always very serious and result in high medical bills, lost wages and even wrongful death.
Traumatic brain injury is often called an invisible injury. Protect yourself by getting an experienced brain injury lawyer.
If you have lost a loved one from someone's negligence, you deserve compensation for medical bills, funeral costs and other details. Let us help you get the respect and compensation you deserve.
Ray Hodge & Associates proudly represents victims and their families across the state of Kansas, including Wichita, Andover, Derby, Goddard, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, Newton, El Dorado and Hutchinson. Call today for a free consultation all over the state of Kansas. We have proudly served clients in Sedgwick, Butler, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman and Reno Counties.