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Ryan Hodge
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Personal Injury Lawyer

Sports Injury Lawsuits

It’s that time of year again – kids have started class. And with school comes sports. Volleyball, tennis, soccer and football are all fun, but the injuries that come with playing aren’t so fun. If you have a student-athlete that has been injured, you may think you have a lawsuit. But many sports injury lawsuits fail.

Injuries from school sports vary from cuts and bruises, to traumatic brain injuries and broken bones. Legal action may help offset the medical bills, but most lawsuits are thrown out of court. If you’re thinking of taking legal action for your child’s sports injury, make sure your case doesn’t fall under common reasons sports injury lawsuits fail.

  • More than negligence – A successful lawsuit usuaully only has to prove that someone was negligent. However, for public schools Kansas has a recreational immunity act granting immunity from lawsuits to schools for sports and recreational activities. As strange as it may sound your child has more rights to sue at a private school than at a public school.
  • Assumption of risk – If the student was aware of risks of engaging in a certain activity, but chose to act anyways, the defense may use assumption of risk.
  • Waivers – Many schools require parents to sign a waiver before allowing students to participate in certain activities. These waivers will often surrender the right to sue or limit the scenarios in which a lawsuit could be filed.
  • Prior similar cases – If a student is injured in a situation similar to a prior case, the chances it will be thrown out are high. Courts often use a precedent to save time and be consistent. If a prior case was ruled in favor of the school, it is likely the school will win again.

If your child is seriously injured while playing a school sport, evaluate the situation carefully. A free consultation with a Wichita personal injury attorney can help you determine if legal action is in your best interest.

At Ray Hodge & Associates, we believe in personal injury handled personally. At our office you see a lawyer from the very first meeting because we believe your case deserves an experienced personal injury attorney right from the start.

If you have had a Kansas car wreck injury that was not your fault and need medical treatment, you need an experienced professional who can help you get back on the road to recovery. Call us today at 316-269-1414 or visit our contact page here. Our Kansas personal injury attorneys will provide you a free initial consultation and if we take your case you don’t pay a dime unless we recover money for you. Even then we only take a percentage of the total amount of your recovery.

If you have questions on what you should be looking for when you are making a decision to hire a Kansas personal injury lawyer, read our article located here.

Make sure you download our free car accident app for iPhone or Droid to protect yourself in event of an auto accident.

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Ray Hodge & Associates proudly represents victims and their families across the state of Kansas, including Wichita, Andover, Derby, Goddard, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, Newton, El Dorado and Hutchinson. Call today for a free consultation all over the state of Kansas. We have proudly served clients in Sedgwick, Butler, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman and Reno Counties.