Traumatic brain injury is often called an invisible injury. It happens when the head is thrown around violently, such as in a whiplash car wreck. Often times the person will not lose consciousness and it may take months before anyone realizes the symptoms of the injury. This is because many brain injuries make only slight changes in personality, memory and the ability to think. People will often think these symptoms will go away but then they never do. Protect yourself by getting an experienced brain injury lawyer.
Call Ray Hodge & Associates at 316-269-1414 for a free consultation about your brain injury case.
Ray Hodge & Associates proudly represents victims and their families across the state of Kansas, including Wichita, Andover, Derby, Goddard, Haysville, Mulvane, Rose Hill, Newton, El Dorado and Hutchinson. Call today for a free consultation all over the state of Kansas. We have proudly served clients in Sedgwick, Butler, Sumner, Harvey, Kingman and Reno Counties.